


Beyond Microbial Biodegradation

In this review we propose an overview of plastic polymers production and common degradation methodologies, and analyses the current state of the art.

Plastic biodegradation

The larvae of the Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella (Gm), were identified as a potential candidate to digest PE. In this study, we tested ...

Improved reference quality genome sequence of the plastic ...

Galleria mellonella is a pest of honeybees in many countries because its larvae feed on beeswax. However, G. mellonella larvae can also eat ...

Role of the intestinal microbiome in low

Although G. mellonella does not actively feed on plastics in its natural environment, it is a ubiquitous pest of apiaries, where the fast- ...

Wax worm saliva and the enzymes therein are the key to ...

We report that the saliva of Galleria mellonella larvae (wax worms) is capable of oxidizing and depolymerizing polyethylene (PE).

Enzymatic oxidation of polyethylene by Galleria mellonella intestinal ...

Galleria mellonella has enzymes that can oxidize PE, making them valuable for developing biological solutions to plastic waste. This study used ...

Polyethylene bio

We report the fast bio-degradation of PE by larvae of the wax moth Galleria mellonella, producing ethylene glycol. Previous article ...

Do Galleria mellonella larvae really degrade and metabolize ...

Researchers have recently shown that the Galleria mellonella (Gm) larva, or Greater Wax Moth, can chew and possibly biodegrade polyethylene (PE).


Inthisreviewweproposeanoverviewofplasticpolymersproductionandcommondegradationmethodologies,andanalysesthecurrentstateoftheart.,ThelarvaeoftheGreaterWaxMoth,Galleriamellonella(Gm),wereidentifiedasapotentialcandidatetodigestPE.Inthisstudy,wetested ...,Galleriamellonellaisapestofhoneybeesinmanycountriesbecauseitslarvaefeedonbeeswax.However,G.mellonellalarvaecanalsoeat ...,AlthoughG.mellonelladoe...